
What's the function of flux in SAW welding process?

submerged arc welding

SAW fluxes play several roles in metal joining. Welding fluxes would obviously influence weld bead, mechanical properties, anti-porosity, anti-cracking, etc.

A  provide a cover on the welding area. Protect weld puddle from contamination of atmospheric Oxygen and Nitrogen.

B  molten fluxes turn into slag in the end. Slag layer slows down the cooling rate of weld metal. This allows more time for gases to flee from weld metal.

C  get the arc free from airflow disturbance. Make it stable.

D  alloy transfer.

E  a compensation for elements that are burnt-off.

F  when electricity passes through slag pool, vast resistance heat is generated.

Yulin Company is an famous SAW flux manufacturer in China. Our quality welding fluxes have spread all over this country. Now we also supply agglomerated flux and fused flux to foreign customers. Welcome to contact us for professional advice.

